The Pill

Duration: 60 min

March 2014, Valletta

A personal journey into dreams and fantasies, pharma and medication.Is there anything in your body that isn’t functioning properly? Do you have a health condition? Does anyone in your family suffer from anything that you wish could be cured? Whether the subject of illness or well-being is one of your concerns, the rubberbodies’ collective production The Pill shall give you a new poetic perspective on the issue.The Pill explores the role of medicine and illness in the lives of people. Through contemporary theatre, movement, play with objects and popularised scientific presentation the story will unfold an amalgam of autobiographical narratives, fantasies, and associations, all exploring a surreal desire for an instant cure to all possible illnesses.


researched, written and performed by ira melkonyan; dramaturg katarina pejovic; creative writer lazslo upor; art director sandra banthorpe; set construction matthew micallef; sound design mario sammut; direction, light design and trailers jimmy grima;

production the rubberbodies collective.

Premiered at Splendid, Strait street, Valletta, Malta.